call on jesus
The Power of Prayer
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”
– Jeremiah 29:12
We’d love to pray for you
your Prayer Request
Share your request and know our team prays sincerely and confidentially.
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our prayer request
Thank you for taking the time to include us in your prayers.
Our missionaries are serving in challenging locations, stepping outside their comfort zones and risking their lives to advance the Kingdom of God—please lift them up in prayer.
Pray that many brothers and sisters will step up to serve and that many souls will come to know and accept Jesus as their Savior.
Pray for our mission team as they prepare to serve in the Philippines this summer, especially focusing on reaching children and youth with the love of Christ.
Pray that God will continue to guide us and use us to further His Kingdom, reaching and impacting lives in the Stuttgart area.
Pray that God will continue to guide us and use us to further His Kingdom in the Stuttgart area, and that as a church, we will be both hearers and doers of His Word.